All these year in reviews on TV and mass media are just "filler" to me. Who cares what already happened when it's time to look forward to what the new year has in store, right? Right!
First of all, a big "no no" in my book is the concept of a RESOLUTION. New Year's Resolutions by nature are just begging to be broken.
C'mon, let's be honest, have you ever stuck tried and true to a resolution you have made? What? You have?! Well, good for you! I mean it - you deserve an award or something because I've never stuck to a single one I've ever made, and I'm talking about 48 years of my life.
But, this doesn't mean I don't have PLANS!
Ah yes, the PLAN. You see, if you know me well, you'll know that I'm famous for my plans. Maybe it's because I spent almost twenty years writing up lesson plans for the classes I taught? I don't know for certain, but I do know I'm forever PLANNING and jotting notes to myself for things I hope to accomplish that day, or week, etc...
It's no surprise then that an imminent New Year is just bursting with opportunities for planning. Mind you, NOT resolutions - they're begging to be broken -- but plans, well they're a whole different story! Plans are ADAPTABLE.
You can change or modify plans and a lightning bolt doesn't strike you down. Friends don't scold you if you change your plans. You don't beat your chest crying and cursing at yourself if your plans need a little tweaking here and there. And so, with that in mind, I've created my Master Plan for 2014.
I'm calling 2014 "The Year of the Sampler!" That's right, folks. That big old cardboard box you see above is just chock full of samplers all kitted up and ready for me to dive into. I'm not going to STRESS about schedules or deadlines or rotations either. Stitching brings me joy and relaxation. No point in putting a big ole damper on the works by drafting some schedule I must follow. No way!
Starting Wednesday, January 1st, 2014, I PLAN to focus on my stash of samplers. I hope to make a whole year out of stitching my little heart out by concentrating, first and foremost, on the samplers I've bought over the years. Since I've already started "The Sampler" by Scarlet Letter, and "Cornelia Vanderveer" by Scarlet Letter, those will be my focal projects to begin the year.
I have some SAL's I've signed up for as well, like Barbara Ana's "Snooty Parrots" and Blackbird Designs "Christmas Garden" (both are SAL's on Facebook) so I'll try to keep on top of those as well as my Scarlet Letter and other samplers waiting in that box. It's really open to change and adaptation but I do hope to concentrate on this plan.
"Jacob's Ladder Sampler" by Kunst and Vliegwerk (K&V 9704) stitched by Laurie. Posted on Corgi's Cottage blog 9/8/2012
How about you? Any stitching plans for the year ahead? Here's wishing you all a HAPPY, HEALTHY, and PROSPEROUS new year. And may your plans bring you peace and joy in the coming year without any of those nasty guilt trips which resolutions are prone to bring along. Plan, stitch, change plans, adapt, but above all strive to be happy no matter what the new year brings your way.