Monday, December 30, 2013

A Year in Review or PRE-view

I'm not one to dwell on the past. I mean, sure I think about the past- who doesn't? But the past is just that - PAST, OVER, KAPUT, SAYONARA BABY! 
All these year in reviews on TV and mass media are just "filler" to me. Who cares what already happened when it's time to look forward to what the new year has in store, right? Right!

First of all, a big "no no" in my book is the concept of a RESOLUTION. New Year's Resolutions by nature are just begging to be broken. 
    C'mon, let's be honest, have you ever  stuck tried and true to a resolution you have made?  What? You have?! Well, good for you! I mean it - you deserve an award or something because I've never stuck to a single one I've ever made, and I'm talking about 48 years of my life. 
But, this doesn't mean I don't have PLANS!  

    Ah yes, the PLAN. You see, if you know me well, you'll know that I'm famous for my plans. Maybe it's because I spent almost twenty years writing up lesson plans for the classes I taught? I don't know for certain, but I do know I'm forever PLANNING and jotting notes to myself for things I hope to accomplish that day, or week, etc...  

   It's no surprise then that an imminent New Year is just bursting with opportunities for planning.  Mind you, NOT resolutions - they're begging to be broken -- but plans, well they're a whole different story!  Plans are ADAPTABLE.  
You can change or modify plans and a lightning bolt doesn't strike you down.  Friends don't scold you if you change your plans. You don't beat your chest crying and cursing at yourself if your plans need a little tweaking here and there.  And so, with that in mind, I've created my Master Plan for 2014. 

I'm calling 2014 "The Year of the Sampler!"  That's right, folks.  That big old cardboard box you see above is just chock full of samplers all kitted up and ready for me to dive into.  I'm not going to STRESS about schedules or deadlines or rotations either.  Stitching brings me joy and relaxation.  No point in putting a big ole damper on the works by drafting some schedule I must follow.  No way! 

Starting Wednesday, January 1st, 2014, I PLAN to focus on my stash of samplers. I hope to make a whole year out of stitching my little heart out by concentrating, first and foremost, on the samplers I've bought over the years.  Since I've already started "The Sampler" by Scarlet Letter, and "Cornelia Vanderveer" by Scarlet Letter, those will be my focal projects to begin the year.   

I have some SAL's I've signed up for as well, like Barbara Ana's "Snooty Parrots" and Blackbird Designs "Christmas Garden" (both are SAL's on Facebook) so I'll try to keep on top of those as well as my Scarlet Letter and other samplers waiting in that box.  It's really open to change and adaptation but I do hope to concentrate on this plan.  

"Jacob's Ladder Sampler" by Kunst and Vliegwerk (K&V 9704) stitched by Laurie. Posted on Corgi's Cottage blog 9/8/2012

How about you? Any stitching plans for the year ahead?  Here's wishing you all a HAPPY, HEALTHY, and PROSPEROUS new year. And may your plans bring you peace and joy in the coming year without any of those nasty guilt trips which resolutions are prone to bring along.  Plan, stitch, change plans, adapt, but above all strive to be happy no matter what the new year brings your way.  
"Norfolk Diligence" by Heart's Ease Examplar Workes 


  1. I agree Kevin, plans are much better than resolutions. I plan on enjoying your progress on all of your beautiful samplers :-)

  2. Looks like you have great Sampler plans love your choices. I'm with you don't make stitching a chore just go with the flow. I need to select a few more samplers to put on top of the works in progress basket, because you just can never have to many! My resolution will be to try to finish up the samplers that are near completion, but I'm never hard and fast because every thing will get done in its own time.
    Happy New Year

  3. You know what Kevin? I just stitch what I want, when I want. No resolutions or even plans and definitely no pressure whatsoever. Your plans though look great and I'm looking forward to seeing those samplers grow.

    Happy New year to you! And just in case you're wondering who I am, I'm on the SSS and DDD FB group.

  4. This is such an inspirational post Kevin. No resolutions for me but "plans" with hopes and dreams and putting the past behind me. I hope to stitch more and try to just enjoy the things I enjoy doing. I hope to finish Elizabeth Sheffield soon and I also have a Chatelaine mystery sampler started. I have Snooty Parrots too that I want to start. I enjoy doing some scooter riding with my husband too so if I don't stitch as much because of my other hobby, so be it. Not guilt, just try to not stress at the little things and enjoy the things I love doing. I love your post here and Happy New Year to you Kevin. May 2014 be a better year for all of us! <3

  5. Hey Kevin, any plans fo Emily Lucille? I see her in your box and she's sitting in mine as well, though heaven knows when I might get to her. Love your attitude!

  6. ahhhh plans!! I had planned on working on the 11 WIPS I have but then I saw Renato Parolin's designs. I got "Easter" for Christmas and already started it. So now "the plan" is to finish this one and work on the others - good plan. I have to say - you are brilliant!!

  7. That's a great PLAN :)
    My plan = go with the flow...for the most part, because like you, I have found in the past 42 years that resolutions do beg to be broken. Plans ARE better! Anxious to follow you in the new year Kevin and watch your plan come to life! May 2014 bring you health, wealth and all that you desire in plenty!

  8. I agree no resolutions, but I do like plans:) Is that the Millennium frame? Lucky you. Beautiful samplers you are planning to stitch.
    Happy New Year Kevin.

  9. I am with you there Kevin, I have plans...I enjoy stitching too much to worry about getting them finished. I have a list a mile long, and am starting every one with joy! Will love looking at your samplers as they show up. Here is to a wonderful 2014 with all the ups and downs.

  10. So very very true Kevin. You have some beautiful samplers there.

  11. I love planning! I have great plans but the execution leaves a lot to be desired. Fortunately, the SALs I have signed up for pretty much keep me on plan. You have some great samplers picked out. Happy New Year.

  12. Wishing you the best in 2014. You are so right about resolutions. Good for you for not putting any restrictions on your stitching. It should bring you joy and not grief. This year is the year of WIPs for me. Happy 2014.

  13. Oh my gosh! You've got some awesome samplers in the PLAN for 2014! Can't wait to get started on our Snooty Parrots SAL!

  14. I like your style, Kevin! Yes, yes! I also like what you are planning to stitch in 2014. All beautiful samplers! Very inspiring to see everything. I need to stitch quite a few of them myself. I'd forgotten all about that Jacob's Ladder sampler. I need to find my copy of the chart. Happy 2014!

  15. These are great! I am looking forward to see your progress. I thought about joining in on the Snooty Parrots SAL too but I have so many other things I want to stitch. If I start seeing progress over on FB, I might cave and join later. Happy New Year.

  16. Haha I love this post! It perfectly sums up how I feel about New Years resolutions :)
    Your sampler box looks fab! I can't wait to see your progress on The Snooty Parrots Sampler - it's such a beautiful design.
    All the best for 2014!

  17. I donot do resolutions myself, I always break them.
    Lovely choices for 2014.

    Happy Newyear


  18. I adore Barbara Ana's designs! I am looking forward to seeing your progress on all your stitchy projects, but especially the BA design.

    Love your 2014 plan...just stitch and enjoy. Awesome plan!

    Happy New Year!

  19. You have wonderful plans, and it will be a great pleasure to follow you again in 2014 - have a wonderful stitch year!

  20. I don't have any resolutions either... I always break them. I too have plans... but nothing major :)
    Happy New year

  21. You have some stunning samplers in your stash. I look forward to watching them grow.

  22. I don't make resolutions, but like you, I do make plans and set goals. However, this year, at least for now, I'm just focusing on finishing the consignment pieces I'm working on. Once they are done, I'll be taking some time away from consignment stitching and stitching anything that strikes my fancy at the time.

    Wishing you all the best in 2014!

  23. I sure wish I. Would have found your blog before I wrote down my "resolutions". Somehow the word "plan" sounds SO much "happier".
    I can't wait to watch your sampler progress - such lovely stitchity goodness.

  24. Yay for making plans and not resolutions. I'm in the same frame of mind when it comes to resolutions! The year of the sampler sounds perfect Kevin and I'll be eagerly watching each one unfold this year!! I've got a Scarlet Letter sampler to stitch too! They are just so wonderful to work on. Happy new Years!!


  25. I agree about the resolutions. I've only made one "resolution" for 2014 and that's to quit smoking. The rest are "goals" or plans, as you put it. Some of my goals are to only start smalls until more of my BAP's are completed and to only start projects by designers I've not stitched before.

    Happy new year!

  26. Lovely looking samplers in your new year, Kevin! I am not a resolution maker or a planner (other than my ornament a month goal)--I just stitch whatever calls my name at the time :)

    Hope your new year is filled with much love and laughter!

  27. I agree with you 100% - no resolutions, just plans and dreams. It's one of my biggest joys to plan a new stitching year and I don't mind when half of the plans just remain dreams. It's always worth it.

    Have a great New Year full of plans and stitching time!

  28. I was a science teacher and agree completely: planning is necessary, is organised and is adaptable. I too have resisted any resolutions at all. I want to just enjoy myself and have fun and see what the year brings. You have some amazing projects there! Should keep you very busy!

  29. Thanks for taking the pressure off about resolutions! I like what you've written and I PLAN on PLANNING!

  30. I also have a PLAN of action - knowing full well the list will change and be updated and modified as the year progresses, but it's just a reference point for me. Your sampler year looks like a wonderful plan. Some beauties poking out there! Enjoy!!

  31. As you can tell by the date of my reply, I'm way behind on reading my blog posts! But I so agree with you about resolutions - I sure can't think of any that I've kept, but I also can't remember the last time I made a resolution. I will usually have a few pieces in mind that I'd like to finish when a new year starts, but learned a long time ago that I have to be flexible. Guild projects, classes, great designers, there are all kinds of diversions that come along during the year. Here's to our maybe finishing a sampler or two this year - but having a great time stitching in the meantime!
